Monday, May 9, 2011

The Best Children's Educational Music websites

We thought it would be a good idea to help teachers, parents and homeschoolers find websites to help their students and kids.
As we do more research, we will continue this series and update you with more information as we find more websites.
In our opinion, these are three websites worth a serious look:

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Educational Songs and Itunes

If you are still searching high and low for that magical teachers resource store, as a teacher, parent or homeschooler , your probably frustrated. Many of the large retailers, surprisingly do not have a large selection of materials for the classroom. They tend to focus more on supplies, pencils, folders, book bags etc.
There are still a few medium level outlets that sell educational materials, but they are few and far between.
Most administrators and teachers are going through a lot of catalogs and magazines to find material outside of the normal curriculum.
The good news is, a new tool for finding children's educational music is..Itunes, which comes from purchasing an ipod product.This gives you access to the Itunes Store once you install the software. It is a great experience. You put in a subject or title and hundreds of music choices pop up. Then you can listen to samples before you purchase.
Use Itunes as another resource for fun music and learning in the classroom.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Best Educational Songs for Kids

We thought it would be a good idea to help teachers, parents and homeschoolers with a list of educational songs for kids. As we do more research, we will continue this series and update you with an additional list each month.
In our opinion these three are worthy of mention:
1. The ABC Funk Groove for Kids
Of course their is the traditional "ABC Song" we all grew up on. However, there is a really cool tune for kids that they will learn from just as fast and the song is really catchy.
2. States and Capitals with Gummie and Peter Puzzle
This find is more of a skit with a tune, but it is a very creative way to have kids learn their States and Capitals.
3. Math Help for Kids (find on Itunes)
Finally, a great collection for kids who are struggling with math.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Math Songs help struggling kids

Many kids by the time they reach 3rd or 4th grade start to struggle with math. In the United States, it is a crisis of low math test scores in math and science.
One problem is a shortage of math teachers overall, and in every group, there is always a group of bad apples. Of course the majority of math teachers are hard working and knowledgeable.
What we do know is, creativity, flexibility and patience will work.
Teachers that incorporate music, such as educational math songs, activities, group projects, games, contest and incentives, terms not usually associated with math, seem to have the most success.

Thursday, May 5, 2011 creative with your kids learning

If you've got kids, your probably aware that most of them are into some kind of music. Either their singing it around the house, watching a video, have their favorite star on their school folder or maybe a poster in their room. Most kids these days have an ipod or mp3 player. What's amazing is, the ages range from as low as five years old and up that meet this criteria.
If your a parent and your fimiliar with this scenario, you may want to try something.
Take your kids electronic device and download some music (if you know how) that you would want your kids to develop from. Maybe load some children's educational music, tell your kids to listen to it, then have them explain what they've learned.
Just another creative way to get something in your kids brains...Sorry Justin Beiber

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rest Time is Good for Kids

School can be a difficult thing for kids sometimes. Many of them get up very early in the morning to catch the bus. If they don't have uniforms, they have to find something to wear that won't put them in a negative category. They sometimes have to rush to eat, grab all of their assignments and homework, arrive at school, listen to their teachers lessons for the day, socialize with friends and hopefully understand the work that was given to them.
Don't get me wrong, I understand that this is just the way the world works and to be successful, you have to be a little tough.
However, hardworking good observant teachers are aware that sometimes during the day, kids just need to rest their brains. It's a good idea from time to time, to put on some nice soft rest time music and direct your students to take a deep breath and take a break.
By the way, as their teacher, you may enjoy it more than they will.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Teachers..Make Math Fun

When most of us hear the word math, certain images and thoughts come to mind. Maybe an accountant, or boredom, or difficult, nerdy or the phrase "oh oh". That is unfortunate. I recently observed a math teacher at a elementary school. I was amazed at the enthusiasm, energy and just down right fun the kids were having. Every kid had their hands up wanting to be the next one called. Even the ones that obviously were struggling, wanted to get in on the act.
Afterwards we spoke and I asked him his secret. He said" I don't want to be bored either." So he uses music, games, contest, characters and even story telling. Terms not usually associated with teaching math.
Math may be more left brain thinking, the side of the brain that is analytical, but don't forget to mix in the other side of the brain on the right, the creative side.
With a little "out of the box thinking" and some creativity, math can be just as enjoyable for kids as any other subject.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Kids learn through singing

Everybody remembers their "ABC song", thats pretty universal. The average american knows the theme to Sesame Street or if your 35 years or older, you probably remember a couple of School House Rock songs..conjuction juction, whats your function!
Something happens in the brain when kids sing. It's great for stimulating memory, and the right side of the brain, which is the creative side, gets a good kick. Math is also center stage, as music ,which is made up of notes, is actually a series of mathmatical equations.
So if you want your kids memory to be good, you want them to be creative and good at math, keep them singing songs that help them learn as much as possible.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Phonics Song with Ms.Erika & Friends

If you are an educator, you know that it all starts with reading. When a child learns how to read, it opens up the whole world of learning.
This collection created by Discover and Learn contains Phonics 1 & 2. The first one is the basics of sounds and the second version is little more advanced with phrases. Great for word identification and reading. A great tool to use for kids who may be struggling or those who just need to practice the letter sounds.A great beat, singing and tune that kids will love to hear with Ms. Erika and her singing friends.This CD is excellent for K4 to 2nd grade students.