Saturday, April 30, 2011

Math Songs for Sale

If you keep up with the news or any statistics that include data about education these days. I don't have to tell you that a high percentage of kids are struggling with math concepts and basics.
The Multiplication Song & Addition Rap created by Discover and Learn is the answer!
Broken down in groups of threes. 1-3, 4-6, 7-9 & 10 --- for each tune. Plus, the full version of the Subtraction Song! We did this to give kids the opportunity to concentrate on whichever numbers they may be struggling with or want to focus on the most.
Fun and exciting music tunes with Sleepy Sam, the Multiplication Kids and Dr. Discover himself.
This is one of our most popular CD’s in our collection. This collection is awesome for K5 to 4th grade students.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Learn the Solar System with the Nine planets gang

A wonderful collection to have introducing all the Nine planets and their characteristics and facts. Each planet has it’s own voice, personality and sound effects. Very helpful and fun describing the wonders of the galaxy. This CD will be fantastic for 1st grade to 4th grade students. Teachers and homeschoolers will love the for sale price and can be found at Discover and Learn.

States and Capitals with Peter Puzzle and Gummie

Listen to our two most popular characters sing and describe all 50 States and their Capitals with this wonderful skit & tune. Your kids will love learning about this wonderful country once they hear how excited Peter Puzzle & Gummie are about the United States of America. This wonderful skit and song is great for 1st grade to 4th grade students. This wonderful CD is for sale at a great price for teachers and schools.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Discover Itunes for Children's Music

Well, first there was the eight track, the LP or album depending on how old you are, the cassette tape, then of course the compact disc. Times have changed! You can now go shopping in your pajamas and house shoes, maybe, depending on your personality, just in your underwear. The digital age is here..and it's not going anywhere soon. In fact, it may be just beginning according to some. The good news is, it has made life a lot easier. No more worrying about parking, the weather, the crowds or traffic. Or for that matter, trying to find what you are looking for at a particular store. Im talking about the internet of course.
One company in particular, if you are looking for children's educational music or songs is... Itunes. Im sure by now you have at least heard of it. You can't throw a rock and not hit someone who does'nt download from their phone or computer these days. It is absolutely a great place to shop for great music for the classroom. Another added benefit in using this digital music service is, you can listen to samples before you purchase. Also, it is extremely cheap, only 99 cents per song on average. Once you have purchased a song , you can burn that song right to CD using the Itunes software.
So if you are a teacher, homeschooler, tutor or parent, look into buying your lastest music for your students the new digital way...and put some clothes on.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Music in the Classroom

Okay teachers, you have your desk setup,you have posters, calendars and artwork on the walls. You have thousands of worksheets, lesson plans, your teachers manuals are all bolded with yellow highlighter. You have a big bowl of candy, extra pencils sharpened, a nice big new stapler and a picture of you family on the desk. Your ready to go right?! Well maybe, you might want to consider one extra tool for your classroom instruction, a nice CD player and plenty of educational music to go with it.
Studys have shown that students, especially elementary age, absolutely love learning though music and songs. Not to mention, it makes the classroom setting a lot less mundane, keeps the kids moving and thinking, and makes the day seem to go a lot faster for teachers.
A really good place to start and a great place to find such materials is on the internet. You'll find many companies offer subjects such as: Phonics, States and Capitals, Addtion and Multiplication and a lot more.
Take the time to explore music in the classroom, it will be well worth it.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Music and its Educational Benefits

Music can be beneficial to several areas of development. First, music builds social skills and that it brings people together. Secondly, music is emotional and helps to bring about certain memories and brings about a change in our mood. Thirdly, music helps with physical development. Music can help us to get moving and bring about activity. Lastly, music helps with cognitive development. Music put to educational songs, can help children learn and retain numbers, letters and sounds (“ABC song”). Incorporating music can also help make learning enjoyable.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Music Makes Smart Kids

Music helps to build certain pathways in the brain. Over time, the connections or pathways we use regularly become stronger. Children who grow up listening to music develop strong music-related connections. Some of these music pathways or connections actually affect the way we think. Researchers believe that musical training creates new pathways in the brain.
Studies seem to suggest that listening to music, especially classical music, improves our spatial skills. "The Mozart Effect" suggests that listening to classical music helps the brain retain the information longer then listening to other types of music. This idea was so popular, that in the late 1950s, parents everywhere began to try to expose their children to more classical music. Even the governor of Georgia proposed a budget allowing for every baby born in Georgia to receive a classical music CD. Research suggests that the complexity of classical music is what primes the brain to solve spatial problems more quickly.
Children who play a musical instrument seem to have an even greater benefit. Children who are in a band or orchestra seemed to do better with social and emotional development. Learning an instrument like the recorder or violin helps with hand-eye coordination. Reading music helps children think differently. Children who can maintain a steady beat have a greater fluency in their reading. The music we sing provides vocabulary enrichment, teaches tenses and plurals, uses poetic language, allows visualization, and encourages good pronunciation. When teachers us music to teach subjects, children tend learn faster and to retain the information better. Listening to music also seems to help in the healing process, improves physical performance, productivity and induces sleep.
Based on the research provided, music and music instruction should be part of the core curriculum in every early childhood program. Music can be implemented and is beneficial to children's educational skills.

Music and Early Brain Development

Music is a powerful tool that works on all levels of development: socially, emotionally, physically, and cognitively.
Because children love music, social interaction between adults and children using music can makes the interaction easier.
Music affects our emotions and can be used to calm and sooth a child who is having a hard day. Music should be used when a child has colic or is ill. Music also helps in the building of greater self-esteem
Music causes children to want to move about and helps children learn about rhythm, timing, orientation, and coordination.
Also, music has been known to affect children's educational and learning abilities and is linked to improved math, memory and reading skills. Music enhances intelligence, learning and IQ.